wordpress basics

Understanding the basics of WordPress operation and management. This series will walk you through the WordPress administration screens.

WordPress Basics

This series will walk you through the basics of WordPress administration screen by screen so you can begin being comfortable managing your new website.

1) WordPress Admin Layout & Home Screen

An overview of the general layout of the WordPress admin and the home screen.

2) WordPress Updates

How to keep WordPress core, themes and plugins up to date with one click.

3) Pages & Posts

An explanation and overview of the differences between pages and posts.

4) Creating & Managing Posts

How to create, edit and manage your posts using the WordPress editor.

5) Media & Comments

How to upload and manage media uploaded to your site and comments from users. 

6) Creating & Managing Pages

How to create, edit and manage your pages using the WordPress editor.

7) WordPress Themes

Installing and managing WordPress themes and theme options.

8) WordPress Widgets

Managing WordPress widgets and sidebars to display additional information.

9) WordPress Menus

Creating, editing and managing WordPress menus across your site.

10) WordPress Plugins

How to install, activate and manage WordPress plugins for functionality.

11) WordPress Users

How to create, manage and view user accounts registered on your site.

12) WordPress Settings

Configuring the various options that come with your WordPress site.

13) Initial Site Setup

The initial steps to setting up any WordPress website you begin working on.

Keeping WordPress up to date

One of the most important things to do when running your own WordPress website is keeping the core software, plugins and themes up to date. This keeps your site performing properly as well as keeping it secure. Luckily, this is a very easy process.

Please watch the video below to learn about the update process and how easy it is when using WordPress.

Video Overview

To update software in WordPress:

  • Before running updates, it’s recommended to take a manual backup with your host.
  • Hover over “Dashboard” in the main admin menu, and click on “Updates”.
  • If an update for WordPress core is available, click the update button and wait for the process to complete, then hover over “Dashboard” again and click “Updates”.
  • Under the plugins section, click the “Select All” checkbox, then click the update button under the list of plugins that require an update. Wait for the process to finish, then click on the link provided to return to the WordPress updates page.
  • Under the themes section, click the “Select All” checkbox, then click the update button under the list of themes that require an update. Wait for the process to finish, then click on the link provided to return to the WordPress updates page.
  • If you are running a multilingual site, under “Translations”, if updated translations are available, click the “Update Translations” button, wait for the process to complete.

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