learn wordpress

We feel that it’s important these days for everyone to have a good understanding of how to build and manage websites. Whether it be to improve your general skillset or build a site for your business. We believe everyone should have a website – but not everyone needs a developer.

Browse Tutorials

The LattePress Content Library is filled with tutorials and videos to help walk you through building your WordPress website from start to finish. Our tutorials are structured within playlists so you can easily follow along even if you’re a complete beginner. If you have questions or run into issues at any time you can get free support via our Slack channel or by e-mailing us directly. 

one on one training

If you want to speed up your training or you want to delve into deeper complexities of WordPress that may fall outside the scope of our tutorials we offer one-on-one training with a WordPress expert who can consult, guide, teach and help you build your website. We offer a free consultation to get an idea of the training time required to get you going before purchase.

lattepress app

The LattePress App is in a final development stage after going through two testing phases with live users. The web app, which will be free to use, custom tailors your training and tutorials depending on your needs and the website you’re trying to build. Click the button below to learn more and sign up to be notified when it’s launched.
Coming Soon

Get help and support by joining us on Slack!

LattePress offers free WordPress support via our Slack channel. Join us today and chat with the community or ask questions to our WordPress experts both publicly or privately via direct message.

Our team will do our best to help support you, answer questions, offer guidance or suggestions based on your needs. We're looking forward to chatting with you!

Need help? Get a free consultation.

If you have any questions at all and aren't sure which direction to take, click the button below to schedule a free consultation. Learn if what you need can be done on your own with our tutorials or if it will require custom development.